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150년 만에 수소 검출의 한계수소 취성에 대한 연구

< 1 min read

Matheus A. Tunes,* Peter J. Uggowitzer,* Phillip Dumitraschkewitz,
Patrick Willenshofer, Sebastian Samberger, Felipe C. da Silva, Cláudio G. Schön,
Thomas M. Kremmer, Helmut Antrekowitsch, Milos B. Djukic, and Stefan Pogatscher

Hydrogen’s significance in contemporary society lies in its remarkable energy density, yet its integration into the worldwide energy grid presents a substantial challenge. Exposing materials to hydrogen environments leads to degradation of mechanical properties, damage, and failure. While the current approach for assessing hydrogen’s impact on materials involves mainly multiscale modeling and mechanical testing, there exists a significant deficiency in detecting the intricate interactions between hydrogen and materials at the nanoatomic scales and under in situ conditions. This perspective review highlights the experimental endeavors aimed at bridging this gap, pointing toward the imminent need for new experimental techniques that can detect and map hydrogen in materials’ microstructures and their site-specific dependencies.

Read the full paper here.

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